Charles & Carol

Charles & Carol
Hanging out!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

New Pastor Ordained

Eight years ago Aloysi Busquets arrived in Madrid from Cuba, where life was hard due to his opposition to Castro's government. Once in Spain he began work for the Anglican Church, overseeing a large food distribution program serving the poor. He also joined a class I taught on 1&2 Timothy as part of his training to be a pastor. It has been a long road for Aloysi, and I am happy today to see him ordained as a pastor in the Anglican church.

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Jet-lagging is no fun. Though we’ve been back in Madrid for 4 days, we still can't sleep at night. We fight it by tiring ourselves with lots of exercise–mainly brisk-walking in the park in front of our apartment. We also try to go to bed at “regular” hours, which means about 1:00AM (that’s normal in summer). Because of the heat at mid-day, children playing in the park till well past midnight, keeping the tired jet-laggers awake. Life in Madrid!