Charles & Carol

Charles & Carol
Hanging out!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Church, American-style

I've been in the U.S. since July of last year. Going to church in the U.S. has been a struggle for me most Sundays. I'm often bored by the worship, and then I feel guilty for being bored. But last Sunday evening was different. Carol and I went to City Church of East Nashville. Pastor Tom Darnell led us in a very simple but very authentic and refreshing worship experience, and I came away encouraged. And today I read some of Brian McLaren's, "A New Kind of Christian." I know he's got a lot of things wrong theologically, but I nevertheless came away similarly encouraged. God has a way of inventing new wineskins when old ones wear out. There's hope for the church in Nashville, and that means there's hope for the church in Madrid.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Working Out

Am really enjoying my workouts at the Green Hills YMCA, especially the spin classes. It's a scene! So far I have run into Wade Holmes, Jack Foster, John Arndt, Randy Draughn, Mark Bilyeu, Jim and Mary Myrick, Carter Crenshaw, Dale Pacetti, as well as met a few new people. Is the purpose of the gym to exercise or socialize? :)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Finishing that Dissertation

Yesterday I sent to Covenant Seminary the first two chapters of my dissertation, entitled "'Contextualizing the Gospel for Contemporary Spain." What a milestone! I am learning that reaching this generation requires new skills in communication and apologetics. Some of the "experts" out there are D.A. Carson, Brian McLaren, Thomas Oden, Albert Mohler, Ajith Fernando, Tim Keller, Rob Bell, John Piper and Ravi Zacharias. That represents a wide theological spectrun, but I have learned from all of them.

Where are we?

We're a little spread out right now. Carol, Sara Jane and I are in Nashville are on Home Ministry Assignment, living in a basement apartment of dear friends. We plan to stay at least until mid-March. We're busy visiting supporting churches, reporting on our work, casting vision, recruiting for our team, and writing a dissertation. Sara Jane (14) is attending Christ Presbyterian Academy; she will stay through May. Meanwhile, Marc (18) is living in our apartment in Madrid, finishing his last semester of high school, and applying for college. He has been accepted at Yale, though we've still got to work out the details ($$) if he's to go there. John (22) is in MontevideoUruguay, where he's been living for 7 months. He and some friends run a bookstore, and he also teaches English. Peter (26) has been in L.A. for 6 years, where he is developing his music career.